Other considerable services of this setting is providing services such as Flexi tank and ISO tank with exclusive loading space under supervision of experts being ready to offer, install and load in a fast and simple following precise QOS in each and every load and unload, appropriate for sea, rail and overland transportation of liquor and petrochemical products such as DDB, BASE OIL, PRO SLACK and WEAK.
Some cargoes that are shipped in Flexitanks are foodstuff, base oils, beer, wine, molasses, glycerine, fruit juices, non-hazardous chemicals, latex, egg products, water, oils, bio-diesel, edible oils, wine, non-hazardous pharmaceuticals, chemicals and industrial products.All sorts of liquids, petro chemistry materials ( DDB, BASE OIL,RPO SLACK WEAK) and food products.

• The natural and synthetic or compound liquid latexes.
• Alcohols
• Printing ink
• Edible and inedible oils.
• Saline solutions
• Silicates
• Silicones
• Reduction in costs, errors and damages.
• Ethylene polymers are of great importance and value in terms of durability, robustness and security.
• Substances and materials applied in Flexi Tanks have the great capacity to absorb the maximum energy and expansion. It can be loaded up to 24 MTS which is %35 more than that of the Drums.
• One-way shipping costs without cleaning costs and returning compared with tankers, preventing from pollution compared with tankers return.

iso tank type
T1 ISO tank container
T4 ISO tank container
T11 ISO tank container
T14 ISO tank container
T50 ISO tank container
T75 ISO tank container
Rubber-lined ISO tank container