Shipping Container Dimensions Internal or External Sizes and Weights ?
Shipping containers are a standardized reusable steel box, used to store and move materials and products ,in the global containerized inter modal freight transport system efficiently and securely.
What is a Bill of Lading and why is it important?
The contract between a buyer and seller was already established when the buyer placed the order with the seller and they both discussed and agreed (verbally or in writing) the what, where, when, how and how much of the transaction in detail.
what is ISO Tank ?
ISO TANK is a type of steel tank container that is utilized to ship bulk liquid cargoes and enjoys much popularity. ISO tank contains a 20″ container frame in which a tank has been located.
What is FOB ? 
FOB means Freight on Board or Free On Board. If terms of delivery of a transaction is on FOB, the cost of movement of goods on board of Airlines or on board of ship is borne by the seller.
what is Ex Work?
Ex-Work price means, the selling cost of goods at seller’s factory. All other expenses from the factory of seller to buyer’s place have to be borne by the buyer.
what is flexitank?
Flexi tank is a bag for liquid transport up to 24 tons in 20 and 40 foot containers.
The standard Flexies are made of polyethylene and polypropylene. Their capacity could be between 16000 liters to 24000 lite
When does the first cargo flight take place?
the first cargo flight took place on the 7 November 1910 in the USA, between Dayton and Columbus, Ohio. Philip Orin Parmelee piloted a Wright Model B aeroplane 65 miles (105 km) carrying a package of 200 pounds of silk for the opening of a store.